ICT Suppliers Association of Zimbabwe's vision is of a future where a thriving, sustainable and influential information communications industry accelerates the digital economy to enhance Zimbabwe's productivity and sustainability.
ICT Suppliers Association of Zimbabwe has as a prime objective the promotion of consistent standards of professionalism and service in the information technology industry.Specifically, all members of the Association are committed to act in a professional manner in their relationships with their customers, their employees, fellow members and the public. Members of the ICT Suppliers Association warrant that they will:
ICT The Exhibition is organized on behalf of ICT Suppliers Association of Zimbabwe and it take place every year at the HICC.
At all times conduct business professionally and ethically and fulfill all agreements in good faith. Accurately represent their experience and capabilities and those of their employees or agents. Accept responsibility for assisting customers to effective information technology solutions.
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Provide good and safe working conditions, scope for job satisfaction and equal opportunities. Provide the opportunity for all employees to improve their skills and technical competence. Impress upon and remind employees of the confidential nature of the customers material and information.
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Recognize that disparagement of other members of the industry is unbusiness like and damaging to the reputation of the entire industry. Refrain from recruiting employees for the purpose of obtaining trade secrets or contracts.
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